AMU pitches for dialogue among religions


Aligarh, 03 Jan 2015: Aligarh Muslim University Saturday pitched for a dialogue process among various religious groups. People all over the world aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice and if faith representatives are involved in finding resolutions to global conflicts, peace will automatically prevail, an AMU seminar to bridge religious divide observed here.

Vice Chancellor, Lt Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah (retd), while presiding over the seminar, stated that a dialogue process should always be there in between people of various faiths. He stressed that violence within Muslim sects has been on the rise and they first need to mend their differences and enter into a dialogue.

“An undercurrent of conflicts has burst to the fore, threatening to turn religious coercion into wars and the solution in the 21st century is through a dialogue between different religions”, said the Chairman Darul ul Uloom, Trinidad and Director of Television Islamic Network (West Indies), Mufti Waseem Ahmad Khan.

He was delivering a keynote address in a lecture theatre brim-full of students, scholars and delegates at the Aligarh Muslim University’s Sunni Theology Department.

Invited as the chief guest at the seminar on ‘Dialogue Among Religions’, Mufti Waseem further said, “The new world cannot be understood without involving religion and religious organizations.” He added: “Out of every 10 people in the world, eight people follow some religion and it is not possible to find solutions without bringing them into a dialogue.”

“All faiths teach peace. Religious people all over the world aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And if representatives of these faiths are involved in finding resolutions to global conflicts, peace will automatically prevail,” said Mufti Waseem.

The Vice Chancellor said that he has spent his whole life among non-Muslims. He urged the Muslim community to shed misunderstandings with other religious sects and promote mutual dialogue and understanding. He said that violence would never pay, rather will cause great harm to everyone.

While welcoming the guests, Chairman, Department of Sunni Theology, Dr Mufti Zahid Ali Khan informed that AMU’s Theology Department is engaged in providing studies in eight religions. He said, “Besides academic courses, our effort is to form a powerful front against social evils and promote mutual cooperation and tolerance”.


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