Steep rise in crimes against SCs, STs in Rajasthan: Report


By Abu Zafar, India Tomorrow,
Jaipur/New Delhi, 09 March 2014: Dalit organizations in Rajasthan have alleged steep rise in crimes against Dalits and other backward classes in the state.

The Centre for Dalit Rights (CDR), Jaipur, and National Dalit Movement for Justice (NCDHR), New Delhi recently released a report which says the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, is not being implemented properly in Rajasthan where atrocities rate against SCs and STs has increased up to 7.4 per cent.

The “State Report on Status of Implementation of SCs and STs [PoA] Act 1989 and Rules 1995 – Rajasthan” also talks about several delaying tactics while reporting such cases which are practiced in the state. It says that even if the victim succeeds to report such cases then police intentionally fail to file charge sheets on time or public prosecutors don’t pay proper attention which result acquittals.

According to the report, 5182 cases reported in the state in 2011 which increased to 5559 in 2012.

The report says that CDR has monitored 1732 cases of violence against Scheduled Caste community during year 2011 and 2012 where at least 21.5 percent of such cases were not registered by the police.

The report also says that in 2011 out of 5182 cases only 2 per cent (102) cases were registered under SC &ST act.

It says that delay in registration of cases, pendency of investigation, delay in filing charge sheets and low conviction rate are major concern in the state.

According to CDR, out of 199 sample cases, accused were convicted only in two cases.

Rights activists demanded the government to set up a high-level committee to review the implementation of act, set measures to ensure all complaints to be registered immediately and proper action should be taken, appoint public prosecutors, including SC/ST advocates, who have at least seven years practice experience and has reputation for protecting rights of SCs and STs.

It also asked to set up special courts and public prosecutors for speedy trial under the act and delete expressions such as “intent”, “on the ground”, “wilful”, etc. from various sections of the act which give leeway to the police and judiciary to dilute cases of atrocities through subjective or arbitrary interpretations of the Act.

According to National Crime Records Bureau also, Rajasthan is at No. 2 in the top 10 states in terms of crims against SCs and STs. Uttar Pradesh is at No. 1 and Bihar at No. 3.


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