Muslim leaders ask India govt. to protect Palestine, Masjid-e-Aqsa


By India Tomorrow News,
New Delhi, 14 April 2014: Calling upon the world Muslims to close its ranks for foiling the Israeli designs, a conference on Masjid-e-Aqsa (Qibla Awaal) here on Sunday asked the government of India to revert back to its old policy towards Palestine, support the Palestinians and use its offices to protect the mosque.

Addressing the conference organized by the Markazi Jamiat Ulama Hind at the India Islamic Cultural Center, Minister, Embassy of Palestine, Saleh Fahed Mohammad warned that “the extremist Jews are posing grave threat to the Masjid-e-Aqsa as they have been hatching conspiracy after conspiracy to destroy this one of the three holiest mosques of Islam and to turn it into a “soloman temple”. He said the Israel is committing atrocities on the hapless Palestinian people since it illegally occupied their motherland over 60 years ago.

In his presidential remarks, All India Muslim Majlis Mushawarat president and expert on Middle East Dr Zafarul Islam Khan warned that what happened with the Babri Masjid in India can happen with the Masjid-e-Aqsa (Qibla Awaal) as “the Zionist entity has been conspiring to obliterate Islamic symbols from the land of Prophets.” Coming down heavily on the Arab rulers and the OIC, he said both failed to liberate Palestine from Israel. He also criticized the Indian government for shunning its old policy towards Israel saying India became largest importer of Israeli weapons.

Noted scholar from Nadwatul Ulema Lucknow, Maulana Slaman Nadvi said Arab rulers and a section of population were also involved in executing the Israeli design. He lambasted the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria and others for crushing the democratic movements in the region.

Recalling India’s policy towards Palestine, Mufti Ataur Rehman Qasmi said Gandhiji used to say that just like Japan is for Japani people, Palestine is Palestinians. He asked the Indian government to sever diplomatic ties with Israel.

Ejaz Ahmad Aslam, Secretary, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind said that because of backing of Western powers and silence of Arab governments, Israel is following expansionist polices in the region. He deplored that Arab rulers are only doing lip-service while Israel is committing excesses on hapless Palestinian people.

Earlier in his welcome address, Maulana Feroz Akhtar Qasmi, Secretary, Markazi Jamiat Ulama Hind said the conference is meant to educate new generation about the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem and Palestine and the Western conspiracies of creating Jewish state in the heart of Islamic world.

Passing several resolutions, the Conference asked the world community to support cause of Palestine and use its influence in lifting the inhuman blockade of Ghaza strip. It also asked the Arab governments to extend all supports to resistance forces in the region which have been fighting for liberation of Palestine and Masjid-e Aqsa. The Conference also demanded Arab governments to review their decision declaring Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas as ‘terrorist organizations’.


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