Will BJP fulfil its election promises to Muslims?


Special Series on Expectations from Modi Govt.
Part 3
By India Tomorrow Staff Writer,
New Delhi, 02 June 2014: For whatever reasons – to garner Muslim vote or to present itself as a mainstream political party which cares for all – Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had made some promises to Muslims also in its 52-page election manifesto released on 07 April – the day of first phase of polling for the Lok Sabha election 2014. Now the BJP has got a landslide victory and Narendra Modi has become Prime Minister of the country it is to be seen if the BJP govt and the PM would take care to fulfil their promises to Muslims?

Muslims in BJP Manifesto
The BJP, as it could not afford to antagonise its old saffron constituency – had included old disputed issues also in the manifesto like Ram Mandir and Uniform Civil Code. However, to at least appear as taking Muslims on board, the party had included some issues related to Muslims and made some promises.

BJP’s 10 promises to Muslims:
— Education and jobs to minority youths without discrimination
— Strengthening and modernization of minority educational systems and institutions
— Madrasa modernization programme
— Economic empowerment and Entrepreneurial opportunities
— Empowerment of Waqf Boards in consultation with religious leaders
— Steps to remove encroachments from and unauthorized occupation of Waqf properties
— Curation of Muslims’ rich heritage and culture
— Preservation and promotion of Urdu
— Peaceful and secure environment, where there is no place for either the perpetrators or exploiters of fear
— Setting up of a permanent Inter-faith Consultative mechanism to promote harmony and trust, under the auspices of religious leaders

One may agree or disagree with the importance of these issues as far as basic problems of Muslims are concerned or one may add some other issues also, but if the Modi govt. honestly acts on at least two of the 10 promises above, there could be a dramatic change in the soci-economic condition of the Muslim community in India. These two promises are:
— Education and jobs to minority youths without discrimination
— Economic empowerment and Entrepreneurial opportunities

However, many among the community say reservation, anti-riot law and fair terror probes are three main issues of Muslims.

Part 1
Expectations from Modi Govt: Christian leader John Dayal speaks

Part 2
Expectations from Modi Govt: Muslim leader Navaid Hamid speaks


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