Sack minister for hate speech: Opposition demands PM


New Delhi, 03 Dec 2014: The Opposition parties Wednesday continued attack on union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti seeking her dismissal from the cabinet for her hateful Monday remarks at a public meeting. Amidst the uproarious scene, Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Indian parliament, was adjourned for 10 minutes. The members of the opposition advanced to the speaker’s podium and demanded an explanation from Prime Minster Narendra Modi on the issue.

“Modi jawab do (the Prime Minister must answer),” chanted angry opposition leaders in Lok Sabha demanding an explanation for why a union minister has not been fired despite her hate speech in Delhi over the weekend. The PM was in the Lok Sabha today. The angry opposition leaders censured him yesterday for skipping the session despite the gravity of his minister’s offense.

Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, a union minister from Uttar Pradesh, had said at a rally in the capital on Monday: “The people of Delhi have to decide if they want a government of Ramzaadon (descendants of Ram) or haramzaadon (those who are illegitimately born).”

Even though Ms Jyoti, 47, apologised in Parliament Tuesday, but opposition parties have continued protest demanding her dismissal.


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