Modi’s statement on religious freedom welcomed


New Delhi, 17 Feb 2015: The Welfare Party of India has welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement that the government will not tolerate any religious violence and would ensure complete freedom of all faiths in India. The party expressed “happiness that finally Mr. Modi has broken his silence over communal polarisation and religious intolerance in the country…”

“Ever since the BJP led Modi government took power at the centre, the nation started witnessing series of communal disturbances. Leaders of various Sangh outfits including ministers and MPs have been making venomous, abusive and even violent remarks against religious minorities. Silence of the Prime Minister created wide criticism and invited suspicions,” said PC Hamza, Welfare Party national general secretary.

Speaking at an event to celebrate the elevation to Sainthood of Kuriakose Elias Chavara and Mother Euphrasia here in Delhi today, PM Modi said: “My government will ensure that there is complete freedom of faith and that everyone has the undeniable right to retain or adopt the religion of his or her choice without coercion or undue influence. My government will not allow any religious group, belonging to the majority or the minority, to incite hatred against others, overtly or covertly. Mine will be a government that gives equal respect to all religions.”

This was PM Modi’s first public statement on religious freedom and communal harmony in the past few months that marked controversial campaigns like Ghar Wapsi – an attempt by saffron groups of his parental organization RSS to bring religious minorities into the fold of Hinduism.

The Welfare Party expressed hope that “future deeds of Modi will substantiate his words.”

However, eminent human rights activist and Christian leader Dr. John Dayal while tweeting on PM Modi’s statement asked the country to tame religious nationalism first.

“How will India protect minorities without taming religious nationalism,” asked Dr Dayal. He further asked: “Mr Modi happy, some others happy, but is victim happy?”


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