It is political stone that VHP is taking to Ayodhya: Hindu Mahasabha


New Delhi, 22 Dec 2015: Two days after media reports about first lot of stones having reached Ayodhya allegedly for construction of Ram Temple, Hindu Mahasabha has come out opposing the move and termed it as ‘political stone’ that Vishwa Hindu Parishad is taking there.

Addressing a press conference in Delhi on Tuesday, Swami Chakrapani, National President, Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha, said: “It is political stone that (they are taking to Ayodhya). I want to tell VHP, Sangh Parivar and BJP to stop carving political stone.”

Swami Chakrapani said he believes in law and wants Ram Temple under the law not through communal politics.

“Even before the verdict (of Allahabad High Court) came, I had said in 2010 that I can never support construction of a temple on dead bodies. I demanded fast-track court for the (Babri Masjid-Ram Janmabhoomi) case so that judgment can come fast. Leave aside the stone and bricks of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. It is their internal politics. If verdict comes in our favour today we will construct the temple with gold, leave aside stone. But that should be done under the law” he said.

“Leave aside the issue of stone (being sent to Ayodhya). It is political stone that (they are taking to Ayodhya). I want to tell VHP, Sangh Parivar and BJP to stop searching for political stone.”

Swami Chakrapani also condemned the alleged blasphemous remarks of a person called Kamlesh Tiwari against Prophet Muhammad.

“I was saddened with remarks of Kamlesh Tiwari about Prophet Muhammad. I felt sad as much as I was when Aamir Khan disrespected gods and goddesses in PK film. We opposed him and asked our office to find about his details. We found he was removed from our organisation in 2008. If he were with it today, I would have removed him. He does not deserve to be called Hindu. Similarly if a Muslim disrespects other’s religion cannot be Muslim,” said Swami.

Sharing the dais with leaders from Muslim, Sikh and Christian communities including Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan, Swami Chakrapani demanded a strong anti-blasphemy law in the country.

“There is a need for religious communities – Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs – to take a vow that they would not allow anyone to hurt other’s religion. We demand strong anti-blasphemy law and such people should be strongly punished.”

“Such people are of no worth. They make such statement for which they can’t get respect even in their family, leave aside the society. It becomes an issue between Hindus and Muslims and the man becomes hero. We should not allow this thing to happen. It is the duty of us religious leaders to join hands and stop such people,” he said.


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