Sangh Parivar has no right to question patriotism of Muslims: Swami Agnivesh


Waquar Hasan,,
New Delhi March 01: Amid the politically-motivate raging debate over patriotism and treason, prominent Human Rights Activist Swami Agnivesh has taken on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its affiliates questioning their move to suspect patriotism of Muslims.

“I want to ask those who award certificate of patriotism: I can name not 10 or 20 but hundreds and thousands of Muslims who endured tortures in jails and went ahead to gallows, but can you come up with one single name from RSS family who was hanged while fighting against the British Raj? We can find one or two names but not for patriotism but for working as informer for the British Raj. They have no right to question patriotism of others. Just to vitiate the atmosphere for political benefits, they talk such things,” said Agnivesh, chairman of Bonded Labor Liberation Front (Bandhua Mazdoor Mukti Morcha), while addressing a national convention on Peace and Justice held by All India Milli Council in Delhi on Sunday.

Appreciating the patriotism of the Indian Muslims, he said:
“When the country was being partitioned, the world stands witness to the fact that except a few who left for Pakistan on false promises, around 80-90% of Muslims decided to stay in India because they said it was their country, they were born here and would die here. Today proof of patriotism is being asked from such people,” he said.

Commenting on the recent provocative statements of some politicians of the ruling party, he said the entire country is apprehensive about what comes next.

“The statements being given inside and outside the Parliament are affecting not only few of us but the entire country. I work among poor people, particularly the bonded labour, Dalits and Adivasis – I can see heartbeat of these people also going up fast about what may come next,” said Agnivesh.

He expressed concern that the country is being taken away from the basic promises made in the Constitution.
“All are of the view that the basic promises made in the Constitution of India like equality and social, political and economic justice – the country is going away from them. And efforts are being made in an organized way to break and divide the country,” said Agnivesh.


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