Controversy Over Organizing Shri Ram Katha in Jaipur Raj Bhavan

For representation purpose only.

Rahim Khan

JAIPUR— Serious questions are being raised about the Shri Ram Katha organized on the Raj Bhavan campus by the governor of Rajasthan Kalraj Mishra from August 27 to August 31. This Katha was delivered by Sant Sri Vijay Kaushal Maharaj. Invitation letters were sent to the journalists and many prominent people for this Katha.

Several civil society members and organizations have raised objections to organizing Shri Ram Katha in the governor’s house. 

Those who are opposing this event organized in the Raj Bhavan said that organizing such events by those holding constitutional posts is against constitutional values.

The opponents of organizing Ram Katha in the Raj Bhavan also questioned, “Would the governor organize similar religious events and art fairs for the followers of Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism and Sarna?” Sarna is a religious code of the Adivasis.

Kavita Srivastava is the state chief of PUCL (People’s Union for Civil Liberties). Talking to on this controversy, Kavita said, “Organizing Ram Katha in the Raj Bhavan is against the dignity of the constitutional post of governor.”

She explained, “PUCL Rajasthan is not against Ram Katha. We are neither against Lord Ram nor Sant Vijay Kaushal Maharaj. Our protest is against the governor who has taken oath under section 157 of the Constitution but he has acted against the dignity of the constitutional post and organized a religious event.”

Kavita said, “Organizing a religious event in Raj Bhavan by a constitutional institution is just against the secular values of the preamble of the Indian Constitution. Invitation for this event sent through WhatsApp carried the official seal and this was publicized by the Information Broadcasting Directorate of the Government of Rajasthan. This clearly showed that the event was not a personal programme of the governor.”

In addition, PUCL’s general secretary Anant Bhatnagar has questioned the exhibition of Bhakti Arts organized in Raj Bhavan by Western Regions Cultural Centre. He said, “This exhibition showing the Leelas (acts) of gods and goddesses is also questionable.”

He argues, “This exhibition in Raj Bhavan in the name of Bhakti art is not same as the get together which is organized there during the occasions like Holi, Diwali, Dussehra, Eid, Christmas and Guru Nanak Jayanti, etc. This is totally different from the cultural programmes of common festive occasions.”

Anant Bhatnagar opined, “The honourable governor should have a sense of equality to all religions. Events like art exhibition and Ram Katha held in Raj Bhavan in the name of the cultural programme are an attempt to primarily establish the traditions of one religion which will weaken the secular foundations.”

He asked, “Will the honourable governor organize similar religious events and art fairs for the followers of Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism and Sarna?”

Kavita Srivastava urged the governor very politely that he should maintain the honour of his post and organize such events in another place protecting the constitutional values. She appealed that the governor house or the state government should not sponsor or promote such events.  


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