“India in grip of fascism”; JUH to hold a day-long conference on Nov 3 to address the current situation in the country


India Tomorrow

NEW DELHI: Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (JUH) has announced a day-long conference on November 3 to address the current situation concerning Muslims in the country. The event will take place at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium.

In a media statement, JUH President Maulana Arshad Madani expressed that, in light of the recent series of incidents, it is evident that India is now under the grip of fascism. He highlighted that not only are there efforts to incite Muslims through manufactured controversies, but there are also deliberate conspiracies aimed at marginalizing them.

Religious hatred and extremism are being propagated at every level, with seeds of hatred and division sown to undermine unity and solidarity. New laws targeting Muslims are being enacted almost daily, resulting in the stifling of justice. By eroding the supremacy of the Constitution, an authoritarian approach is being adopted, instilling fear and terror in place of justice and the rule of law.

In light of these circumstances, Maulana Madani emphasized that Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind cannot remain silent. The freedoms and democratic values celebrated worldwide today are the fruits of the long struggle and sacrifices made by our elders and predecessors.

He emphasized that the India envisioned by freedom fighters such as Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Madani, Maulana Azad, and Mufti Kifayatullah was not one defined by hatred and oppression. Instead, they imagined a nation where people could transcend race, community, and religion to coexist in peace and harmony. Therefore, we cannot stand idly by as this freedom is threatened and dismantled.

The fundamental purpose of the upcoming conference is to uphold democracy and protect the Constitution, while also revitalizing the age-old traditions of peace, harmony, and mutual love among communities.

Maulana Madani also said that it is essential to expose the conspiracy to seize waqf properties under the guise of the Waqf Amendment Bill, which aims to deprive us of this valuable heritage.

He said that Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind has taken effective measures to ensure the protection of waqf properties from 1923 to 2013, and today we are moving forward with the same commitment.

Maulana Madani further said that the conference will have thorough discussions on what course of action should be taken to address such grave situations and threats, and a roadmap will be prepared for the way forward.

He further said that for any civilized and developed society, justice is the highest standard. It is the fundamental duty of every government to provide justice to their citizens. Unfortunately, instead of this, the prejudiced mindset of communal elements is deliberately conspiring to marginalize Muslims. Instead of engaging the youth in constructive activities, they are being turned into instruments of destruction and hatred. Biased media has become a major source of spreading lies and incitement.

The JUH leader stated that there is a rising campaign of absurd comments against Islam, Islamic culture, and particularly against the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him). Disrespectful remarks are being made against him, and it is regrettable that this is happening under the guise of religion. Despite the warnings from the Supreme Court, mischievous elements are being left unchecked and even encouraged.

JUH considers such aggressive communalism to be a major threat to the nation and its unity. Therefore, while remaining within the bounds of peace and law, it not only aims to register its strong protest but also seeks to make the people across the country aware that the path on which the country is being led does not lead to development and prosperity but rather to destruction and ruin. If we do not unite to stop this, our future generations will not forgive us.

Maulana Madani said it was absurd that on one hand, oaths are taken on the constitution, while on the other hand, its guiding principles are being trampled upon. Muslims are being treated in such a way that it seems they have lost their rights under the constitution. It is the responsibility of the government of the day to ensure the safety and security of the country’s minorities but continuous attacks are being made on the secular character of the nation. Schools are being closed, religious freedoms are being curtailed, and restrictions are being imposed on food and drink, to the extent that even our right to live is being taken away.

Maulana Madani stated that all of this is happening even though the secular constitution still exists in its original form, which not only provides special rights to the country’s minorities but also guarantees complete religious freedom. He emphasized that this is the secular constitution for which our forefathers made sacrifices for over a century and a half to liberate the country from colonial rule. Therefore, we can assert—and this is the truth—that the leaders of the Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind crafted the secular constitution of the country, and we have documented evidence to support this claim.

He further stated that even before independence, our leaders took promises from the Congress leadership that the constitution of the country would be secular after freedom. Consequently, the constitution that was drafted after independence not only provided religious freedom to all religious minorities but also granted several other important rights. It is disappointing to see that some political parties, which claim to be secular, are covertly supporting and aiding communal forces merely to gain power.

Key participants included Maulana Asjad Madani, Vice President of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind; Mufti Syed Masoom Saqib, General Secretary; Maulana Syed Ashhad Rashidi, President of Jamiat Ulama Uttar Pradesh; and several important officials and representatives from various districts.


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