Rajnath supports ‘acts of self-defence’ by security forces


By IndiaTomorrow.net

New Delhi, 18 Sep 2015: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, while inaugurating a national conference organized by the country’s premier rights bodies on Friday, expressed “strong support” for the “acts of self-defence by security forces maintaining law and order in hostile environment.”

Singh was inaugurating the National Conference of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the State Human Rights Commissions (SHRCs) here in Delhi on Friday, 18 September.

According to the union home minister, “certain vested individuals and organizations” make “a hue and cry over the violation of the human rights of terrorists and militant groups.” He said “undue importance” is being given to such “so-called champions of human rights.”

Singh said, “Even judgments of the learned Supreme Court are being called into question when the apex court has passed a sentence after following due diligence laid down as per the law of the land. How can somebody claim violation of one’s rights and civil liberties when they have picked up the gun trampling upon the human rights of others.”

Interestingly, taking a slight detour on the human rights issue, NHRC Chairperson Justice Cyriac Joseph, called for amending the Protection of Human Rights (PHR) Act to make the rulings of the various Human Rights Commissions (HRCs) binding on the Central and State Governments. Justice Joseph also demanded provisions of some form of human rights in the states and regions where the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) is in force. As per the PHR Act, NHRC can inquire into the violation of not only civil and political rights but also economic, social and cultural rights.

Singh, however, maintained that the “autonomy of institutions like NHRC should remain sacrosanct.” “The Ministry of Home Affairs will look into the recommendations of the NHRC post the deliberations at the conference and consider valuable recommendations for action” said Singh.

Ironically, Singh has supported “self-defence” acts by the security forces in the midst of a demand raised by a leading North East Indian NGO Naga Mothers Association (NMA) for enquiry into the alleged killing of women and children by security forces.

“We had submitted a memorandum to the PMO and the home ministry…. giving first-hand account of the Assam Rifles killings of civilians and women with photographic evidence and demanding a high-level inquiry in one of the latest incident at Pangsha,” said NMA adviser Rosemary Dzuvichu to IANS.

(With inputs from IANS)


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