Beef murder ugliest manifestation of communalism, must not go unpunished in a secular nation: Minority Commission



New Delhi, 01 Oct 2015: The National Commission for Minorities (NCM) has strongly condemned the murder of a Muslim villager by a Hindu mob in Dadri area in Gautam Budh Nagar district (popularly known as Noida) near Delhi for allegedly eating and storing beef

“The NCM strongly condemns this cowardly and reprehensible attack on an innocent Muslim which also resulted in severe injury to his 23 year old son,” said Praveen Davar, member of the nation watchdog of minority rights, late night on Wednesday in response to a petition filed over the 28th Sep night incident.

A 50-year-old man, Mohammad Akhlaq, was beaten to death and his 22-year-old son severely injured on Monday night in Dadri area of Uttar Pradesh, allegedly by residents of Bisara village, after rumours spread in the area about the family storing and consuming beef. The attack on Akhlaq and his family took place around 10 pm in Bisara after an announcement about the family consuming beef was allegedly made at a local temple.

Young socio-political activist Shehzad Poonawalla approached the minority panel seeking its intervention to ensure justice to the victim family.

“Prima facie it seems that a Muslim man was killed only because his family consumed mutton. Is that a crime in this country that is worthy of capital punishment? It was based on baseless rumours. Recently, We have seen how a Muslim man was accused of being a rapist and lynched in Dimapur, Nagaland and a another one was stripped and flogged in Mangalore last month only for accompanying a Hindu woman. In both cases I have taken up the matter and in the latter case the NCM issued a notice and ensured action from the state government of Karnataka,” wrote Poonawalla.

“This is a communal trend that is riding in the country and shows the emboldenment of the right wing forces that are undermining rule of law since the killing of Pune techie Mohshin Shaikh for just being a Muslim who sported the Muslim skull cap and beard. This is an assault on the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution of India under Article 14,19,21 and 25. It is incompatible with the secular ideal enshrined in the Constitution and imbibed in the polity of our diverse, plural and multi-cultural society,” he said and sought action from NCM.

He urged the NCM to direct the registration of an FIR in the instant case against all the accused and their immediate arrest. He also urged the NCM to monitor the probe to ensure it is carried out in a free, fair and impartial manner and direct the state government and police to act decisively against the accused.

Responding to his complaint, the Chairman of NCM Dr Naseem Ahmed spoke to DM, Dadri and asked him to send a report on the incident to the NCM at the earliest.

“After receipt of the report we will be taking the matter with both the Union Home Minister and Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh. It will also be discussed in the next weekly meeting of NCM,” Praveen Davar said.

“Meanwhile, we are also trying to ensure that the son of Mohd Akhlaq gets the best possible medical treatment,” he informed.

“The NCM will also monitor the steps being taken by the District Administration to bring the perpetrators of the ghastly crime to justice. This is communalism in its ugliest manifestation and cannot, and must not, go unpunished in a secular nation,” Davar said.

Meanwhile, media reports said the police have arrested six persons in the case. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav has announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the victim family.


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