On 65th anniversary, activists will pledge to uphold Constitutional values


By IndiaTomorrow.net,
New Delhi, 25 Nov 2015: Amidst developments and political remarks undermining the value of Constitution, social activists, intellectuals and academicians from across the country will gather at Gandhi Peace Foundation here Thursday and will pledge to uphold the constitutional principles on the 65th anniversary of the Constitution. On 26th Nov 1950, the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly.

At the event, eminent Hindi poet and critic Ashok Vajpeyi will speak on “Pluralism, Dissent and Democracy.” Expert on law and poverty Dr Usha Ramnathan and Prof. Apoorvanand from Delhi University will offer their comments.

“The contemporary socio-economic political situation in many ways threatens to undermine the rights and principles enshrined in the constitution. While talking of democracy, the popular public discourse has set in motion processes that seriously threaten to undermine the basic guarantees given to the citizens by the constitution. It is a matter of urgency therefore, to come together on this day to renew our pledge to build a genuinely inclusive India where its plurality is protected from discrimination, and existing inequalities are addressed to guarantee freedom from hunger, unemployment, poverty, discrimination. This coming together is an assertion of the Right to Equality and Justice,” said the organizers.

“On the 26th of November 2015, we are coming together, once again to renew our pledge to the Constitution and its values. On the 26th of November 1950 the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly. The last four years have seen people’s movements and a cross section of India’s citizens come together to celebrate and to draw inspiration from the Constitutional mandate underlying the modern Indian State,” they said.


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