Arrest of Muslims on ISIS pretext aimed to create hatred against community: Eminent citizens

New Delhi, Jan 28: Eminent members of civil society groups in Delhi have expressed deep concern at the recent arrest of around two dozen Muslim youths from different parts of the country for their alleged connection with terrorist group ISIS. They said these arrests are aimed at creating an environment of hatred for Muslims in the country.

“They (agencies) are using the name of ISIS for their own benefit. There may be some genuine suspects. But most of the time they are misusing it. They are trying to create fear among Muslim youths. They are terrorising people. They want to create an impression that all Muslims are bad. This is not true,” said AC Michael, Christian leader and former member of Delhi Minority Commission, here on Thursday.

Speaking at the sidelines of a press conference at Indian Women’s Press Corps, eminent civil rights activist Shabnam Hashmi said: “Sangh Parivar has used terrorism as a tool to malign Muslims and to create an atmosphere of hatred in the country. In the past, such arrests were made in the name of ISI or groups like Jaish-e Mohammad etc. We have also seen that in major terror attacks like Samjhauta Express blast, Malegaon blast and Ajmer Sharif blast, Sangh groups were involved but Muslims were being implicated. I see the current arrests in the name of ISIS as part of the previous series.”

Former IAS officer of Gujarat cadre, Harsh Mandar said: “Muslim youths have been arrested on terror laws for the last 10-15 years. In the past, they were tried to be linked with national-level terror groups but now the efforts are on to link them with international terror groups and this is more dangerous. All of a sudden, there is an attempt to create an impression that educated youths are now attracted to international terror. I think this campaign will create an atmosphere of hatred.”


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