Corporatization of media killing ethical journalism’


Waquar Hasan,

New Delhi June 20 June : An expert has expressed concern over the state of affairs in the media industry. Anil Chamadia, chairman of Media Studies Group and editor of Mass Media, yelled over absence of ethical journalism in the present media reporting, as corporatization of the media continues to pose serious challenge to it.

“Media violates its self-made ethics every day. Media does not follow even its norms and ethics. What is the reason that the question of ethics related to media is not being solved?” asked Chamadia. He was addressing journalists in a discussion ‘Corporatization of Media an emerging challenge to ethical journalism’. The discussion was organized by Student Islamic Organization (SIO) at an Iftar Party for journalists at Press Club of India.

Speaking on the issue of ethics in news reporting and the role of media in society he said “Whenever the question of ethics is raised, it is not on news or hard facts. Hard fact is hard fact and no one can deny it. The questions of ethics come into play on the way you present facts. Question is raised on the way the fact is interpreted”.

The role of the media should be to create harmony and social capital in the society through the mechanisms it adopts while reporting sensitive issue but unfortunately reporting has become inflicted with political and social biasness, which indicates deterioration of editorial standards.

“In a way, you (media) had declared these things as your aim and motto. You have also decided that you are bound to Constitutional philosophy. You must see that whether your role is really educating people and creating harmony in society,” he said.

Over a question of journalists losing their jobs for following journalism ethics, he said: “In a big media house, some people get job and run their family. You suppress hard facts that are not good for society (as a whole).” Suppressing facts kill the vibrancy of a democratic society, the media expert pointed out and stressed that it is the duty of the media to check divisions and fragmentation of the society. The media should take up the role of discouraging forces that perpetuate disharmony and economical disparity.

In concluding remark, he urged journalist to inculcate some ethical values that must be followed while collecting facts during reporting assignments.


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