India’s largest Muslim organization passes resolution against Dalit atrocities

New Delhi, August 01: This does not happen on daily basis but as the recent incidents of physical attack on Dalits shook the entire nation, India’s largest Muslim organization has come out strongly condemning the victimization and persecution of Dalits.

At the end of its five-day session in Goa, the Central Advisory Council (CAC) of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has adopted a resolution on the Una incident where four Dalit youths were brutally assaulted by so-called cow vigilantes for skinning a dead cow.

“This barbaric incident is not an isolated one. Many similar brutalities are committed in various parts of the country…These incidents reflect racial prejudices,” said Jamaat in the resolution.

“Dalits have historically been targeted by racial chauvinists. But after BJP government’s recent ascension to power, the aggressive elements have been encouraged. The prime minister’s silence has not helped matters. Data indicate that as many as 2500 rape cases occur annually targeting, Dalit women; other excesses add to this dismal picture,” reads Jamaat’s resolution.

Central Advisory Council of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind met at Mapusa city of Goa from 23-27 July 2016. (Photo from facebook of Jamaat)

“Even after seven decades of independence, constitutional safe guards and legal initiatives have not removed Dalit misery. The present system does not honour the human status of Dalits. The CAC emphasizes that all human beings are equal in their human status and hence racial pride and arrogance should be eliminated. All people should be respected and unity of mankind should be promoted.”

While demanding effective check on atrocities against Dalits, Jamaat said: “The guilty should be punished in accordance with the law. The administration and police should be made accountable.”

Jamaat also passed resolutions on the recent Kashmir unrest, saffronization and commercialization of education, deterioration in economic situation in the country and the failed coup attempt in Turkey.

The summit was chaired by Jamaat’s national president Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari and attended by two vice presidents Nusrat Ali and Syed Saadatullah Hussaini, Secretary General Mohammad Salim Engineer and other members of CAC.

Meanwhile, a high-level delegation of Indian Muslims’ umbrella body All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat visited Gujarat and met Dalit families in Ahmedabad and Una last week.


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