Interference in Muslim Personal Law unacceptable: Muslim bodies

New Delhi, Oct 11: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, one of the prominent Muslim religious organizations in the country, has strongly opposed the recent government moves to do away with Personal Laws and bring in Uniform Civil Code.

“The Constitution of India guarantees the freedom to profess, practice and propagate one’s own religion. This inviolable freedom is given to every individual and enshrined as a fundamental right in our Constitution. Government should not interfere in the belief and religion of any citizen. Muslims consider divorce, polygamy and other personal laws as an intrinsic part of their religion and are hence obliged to follow the Sharia in those matters,” said Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umari, national president of Jamaat.

He also opposed attempts to impose a common civil code.

“Efforts to impose a Common Civil Code in the name of social reform and gender justice will prove counterproductive,” he said and supported the stands of All India Muslim Personal Law Board on such issues.

“Jamaat-e-Islami Hind completely stands by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board which is the authentic representative body of Indian Muslims. All major Muslim organizations and a vast majority of the Muslim community stand solidly behind the Board and will not accept any interference in their personal law,” said Jamaat chief.

Meanwhile, many other Muslim organizations have also come out opposing interference in Muslim Personal Law.

“Central Secretariat meeting of Poplar Front of India has resolved that Uniform Civil Cole is unacceptable and urged the central government to withdraw from moves aimed at imposing Uniform Civil Code on all citizens,” said Mohammed Ali Jinnah, General Secretary, Popular Front of India.


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