Unions of fish workers, hawkers demand rollback of demonetisation


Ghazanfar Abbas, IndiaTomorrow.net,
New Delhi, Nov 19: In the wake of common and poor people facing hardships after the sudden move of demonetization of high-value currency notes by the central government, fishermen, economists, bankers and politicians have strongly criticized the unplanned policy and demanded its rollback.

“Fishermen generally don’t have bank accounts. After demonetization, fishermen are not able to do their work and facing many hardships. This is destroying our life, please roll it back,” said T. Peter, General Secretary of National Fish Workers’ Forum while speaking at a program on demonetization at Constitution Club here on Friday.

“November 21st is celebrated as International Fisheries Day. This year we called a major rally against corporate fishing but now we can’t run our movement. Urjit Patel (Governor of Reserve Bank of India) should resign,” demanded Peter.

“If PM is really concerned about black money, he should send his BJP minister to jail, who celebrated his daughter’s marriage in Bellari this week. This PM has no time to listen to the issues of people after demonetization. It is shameful he is visiting worldwide,” he criticized.

On 8th Nov, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his sudden TV address to the nation, announced demonetization of currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 from the midnight of the same day. The country has since witnessed economic chaos as millions of people lined up outside banks and ATMs to exchange their old money or withdraw savings from banks.

Besides fishermen, hawkers’ union, bankers and politicians have also criticized the decision.

“It should have been done after proper planning. From April till today only 4% black money has been recovered in cash form and 86% of total currency is in the denomination of Rs. 500/- and 1000/-; it means 50% trade has been collapsed. It is a conspiracy of capitalism. Either people fight together with this challenge or this country will be destroyed,” said Shaktiman Ghosh, General Secretary of National Hawkers’ Federation.

Thomas Frenco, senior vice president, All India Bank Officers Confederation, said, “In 1978 similar kind of decision was taken but at that time the situation was not like today. Eleven bankers have died so far (in last 10 days) to arrange money in the banks.”

“The size of new Rs. 2000/- is not fit for the ATMs. Now you are saying it will take 50 days more to recalibrate ATMs. Economists are saying it will take 12 to 15 months to normalize the situation. If you had not proportionate currency to fulfill the need of the people then what is the meaning of this policy,” he asked.

“Why shouldn’t we demand resignation of the RBI governor? Can’t this government find where the black money is? Supreme Court said that fifty two people are in black money holders’ list. Why aren’t you taking action against them,” he asked.

Some eminent politicians who spoke the event and demanded rollback of demonetization included senior Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyer, National Secretary of Communist Party of India, D Raja, CPI-M polit bureau member A K Padnaban and Aam Aadmi Party leader Ashish Khetan.


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