Umbrella Muslim body asks Kolkata cleric to desist from controversial statements

New Delhi, May 11: The national umbrella body of Muslim organizations has asked renowned Kolkata cleric to desist from making controversial statements that are said to be strenghthning Sangh Parivar in West Bengal.

“Being a respected Imam of a mosque, you hold a very responsible position and deserve respect from all of us. But contrary to the requirements of the post, your statements have caused disunity and opponents have used them to target Muslims,” said Navaid Hamid, national president of All India Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) in a letter to Maulana Syed Mohammad Noorur Rahman Barkati.

“There is an impression that your controversial statements are strengthening Sangh Parivar in West Bengal and creating an atmosphere against the current state government(of Mamata Banerjee),” Hamid further said.

He urged him not to waste his time and energy in “political statements” and rather focus on “positive and constructive work”.

AIMMM chief also asked the cleric not to insist on Lal Batti (red beacon) that the state government has provided him.

“Your position is much above the Lal Batti,” Hamid said.

Last month at the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the central government banned use of Lal Batti atop vehicles of civilians , politicians or government officers.

The cleric, however, has insisted on using the Lal Batti.


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