Human trafficking increases in India


New Delhi, March 22: The government informed the Lok Sabha on Tuesday that 38,545 people have become victims of human trafficking from 2014 to 2016.

West Bengal has witnessed the highest number followed by Rajahasthan and Maharashtra. The data provided by the government also shows that among total victims of trafficking more than 65 percent are girls and women. The data also shows a hike in the cases of trafficking in the last three years.

In 2014 there were 10463 victims of trafficking, but in 2015 and 2016 it has increased up to 12703 and in 15379 respectively. Shockingly, the ratio of conviction seems to have decreased in 2016. In 2014 there were 8220 persons arrested for cases related to trafficking and out of them 3980 were charge-sheeted but only 146 got convicted while 193 accused were acquitted or discharged by the court. In 2016 , 10815 persons were arrested and 7292 were charge-sheeted and 159 were convicted. Some 753 accused were acquitted or discharged by the court.

The government also says that in 2016, 4980 victims of human trafficking were rescued from prostitution, 71 victims were rescued from begging and 2 were rescued from being victimized by organ trade.

West Bengal has the highest number of victims of trafficking. In 2014 there was 1881 persons, mostly women and girls became victims which increased up to 2460 in 2015 and 4164 in 2016.


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