Chetan Bhagat Tweets on Delhi Violence, Cites Distraction Of Issues


India Tomorrow

NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY 28- In his first response to the violent attacks in the North East Delhi, noted writer Chetan Bhagat on Friday tweeted that the people of the country are distracted with meaningless issues. The world-famous author’s response came in a series of tweets that focussed more on the depriving economy and the corona outbreak.

“World markets collapse as Corona hits. Global demand will fall. India already suffering a weak economy will find it v difficult to recover. Jobs growth all set to suffer. Immediate attention needed. But hey, Hindu Muslim Hindu Muslim. (sic).” – He tweeted
“But you guys did this. But you guys did that. What about that guy? What about this guy? Hindu Muslim Hindu Muslim all day long. Meanwhile, you guys, we guys, that guy, this guy, all of us have a terrible economy and is going to get worse. Wait, but what about..,” he further wrote.

His remarks came after violence broke out in northeast Delhi earlier this week over Citizenship (Amendment) Act between groups backing and opposing the law and gradually spiralled, killing at least 42 people and injuring over 350.

This morning, Mr Bhagat commented on the coronavirus outbreak. The virus has so far mainly battered China, causing nearly 80,000 infections and almost 2,800 deaths, according to official Chinese figures. It has spread to another 46 countries, where about 3,700 cases and 57 deaths have been reported, according to the WHO, news agency Reuters reported. Mr Bhagat, who often makes remarks on country’s political matters, last month said that NRC “would cause secular harassment to all”, the moment it’s executed, and “must be shelved”.

“Average likes on my tweets on the economy: 700. Average likes on my tweets on any random Hindu Muslim thing: 10,000. We deserve it. We get what we truly want, after all,” – the last post in the series of his tweets reads.


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