PM’s Address to the Nation “Disappointing”, Devoid of Action Plan: Welfare Party


India tomorrow

NEW DELHI, APRIL 15—Welfare Party of India (WPI) president Dr. SQR Ilyas has said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the nation on Wednesday was very “disappointing” as he once again failed to provide any road map to address the problem of Covid-19 pandemic effectively.

Welcoming the extension of the lockdown until May 3 as there is no other option available, Dr. Ilyas said that the PM called daily wagers as his family but did nothing concrete to improve their plight.

Dr Ilyas said that with no proper planning and mechanism the problem has escalated and the number of people facing food insecurity crises have risen to 40 million.

“The migrant workers who undertook the reverse migration, are stranded with lost jobs, income and livelihood. These vulnerable sections along with urban poor are facing food crisis and if immediate steps are not taken, it will lead to starvation or food riots”, WPI president said.

Dr. Ilyas said that the health system in India needs to harness technology and innovation but also accommodate our socio-economic human context to handle this pandemic effectively, but the PM is only making fantastic statements like, “we are moving forward rapidly in the field of health infrastructure” but without practical approach of providing adequate testing kits, ventilators, medicines and a complete medical package this problem will not be addressed.

Dr. Ilyas also pointed out at the criminal profiling of the Muslim community by the electronic media and the social media in making allegations of them spreading pandemic and said that PM should have strongly condemned this and as a head of the nation, he should have asked every citizen to unitedly combat this pandemic instead of fanning anxiety and fear by demonizing a particular community.


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