Maharashtra JIH chief condemns vandalism in Kolhapur mosque, demands action against accused persons


India Tomorrow

MUMBAI–Maharashtra Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) president Maulana Ilyas Khan Fallahi has condemned the vandalism of the mosque of Vashalgad Dargah premises and the violence in the Muslim areas in the city of Kolhapur.

In a statement to the media, Maulana Falahi said, “The government is not showing any seriousness to address the growing communal hatred in the state despite repeated warnings by concerned citizens. Regrettably, the perpetrators of communal violence and hatred are carrying out their work with complete impunity. We condemn the stone pelting at Vishalgad Dargah, vandalism of the mosque, and violence in Muslim areas. There is a fear that the atmosphere of the state may deteriorate due to the hatred and violence of anti-social elements. We appeal to all justice-loving citizens of the state to raise their voices against this violence. We appeal to Muslims not to lose patience as the communal and anti-social elements want to instigate them and implement their agenda. Such violence and the deteriorating law and order situation are likely to impact the economic development of our state. We demand the government and administration to apprehend the real culprits who instigated the rioters to spread violence in the dargah and masjid compound even as the matter of illegal encroachment was still pending in the High Court.”

Maulana Ilyas Khan Falahi stated, “Apart from this the incidents of violence against a cleric in Nandurbar and the attack on an Imam of a Masjid the next day of this violence in Kolhapur are sufficient to demonstrate that the current government is not taking any effective measures to prevent hate crimes against Muslims. It should be clear that these are not one or two isolated incidents. Many such incidents are happening continuously. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Maharashtra urges the government and police administration to crack down on communal and anti-social elements with full force. If this problem is not immediately resolved and the rioters and those who support them continue to carry out unchecked violence, the state may face a major crisis of law and order.”


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