Rising blasphemous incidents: JIH  VP Prof. Salim calls to isolate provocateurs and advocate for stronger laws


By Anwarulhaq Baig

NEW DELHI: In response to the rising blasphemous remarks against Prophet Muhammad made by fringe Hindu elements, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Vice President Prof. Mohammad Salim Engineer has called for patience, legal action, and positive engagement with the broader society. He urged the isolation of provocateurs, labeling them as “anti-social and anti-national” elements seeking to disrupt peace, and asserted that the vast majority of Indians do not share their views. Advocating for stronger laws against disrespect toward the sacred figures of all religions, he emphasized the need for Muslims to avoid reactive measures that could escalate tensions, promoting instead a measured approach rooted in Islamic teachings.

Fringe Elements Don’t Represent Mainstream Society

Addressing the issue during a program titled “Incidents of Blasphemy and Our Desired Behaviour”, Prof. Salim Engineer stressed the importance of isolating provocateurs from mainstream society. “Those making provocative statements are a small group and should be presented as separate from mainstream society. Our statements should not generalize that the entire country supports these provocateurs. By doing so, we unintentionally empower them.”

Characterizing these individuals as “anti-social and anti-national elements” who aim to disrupt peace in the country Prof. Salim urged Muslims to make it clear that the majority of Indians do not share such views.

He said, “Citizens of the country will observe our demeanour. On one side, there are those making derogatory comments about the Messenger, while on the other side, Muslims are demonstrating good conduct and character in response. This contrast will help accurately represent Islam, and it is both our da’wah responsibility and a matter of practical wisdom.”

Prof. Salim added, “Given the current situation in the country and our da’wah responsibilities, we must recognize that such incidents do not happen spontaneously. They are often premeditated with the intention to provoke. The goal is to create a scenario in which they hope some Muslims will react in ways that reinforce their assertions that Islam is an extremist religion.”

Highlighting patience as a key Quranic principle in dealing with such provocations, he said, “The Quran repeatedly emphasizes patience. This patience empowers us to prevent reactions driven by provocation and emotions that could lead to anarchy and discord in society.”

However, the JIH leader clarified that patience does not equate to fear, despair, or cowardice. Instead, it means standing firm against provocations while maintaining mental equilibrium and adopting an approach based on Islamic teachings.

Prof. Salim emphasized, “However, this does not mean we should remain inactive in such situations.”

Legal Action and Positive Engagement

While advocating for patience, Prof. Salim also called for legal action against those who instigate such provocations. “We have a democratic government and a system of law and order. Regardless of the current circumstances, there are laws in place. We should strive to use these laws to take legal action against those who instigate such provocations.”

Noting that FIRs and complaints are being registered against those offenders now across the country, Prof. Salim also suggested organizing programs related to the Prophet’s life and character, fostering communication with non-Muslim communities, distributing literature, and running positive campaigns on social media.

Understanding the Provocateurs’ Agenda

Addressing the rising incidents of blasphemy, the JIH Vice President stated, “We are aware that with the current government, we cannot expect too much. However, it is essential to express the status that Muslims hold in their hearts for the Messenger of Allah and what they are willing to do for him. But, this expression should be conveyed peacefully and within the bounds of the law. It is crucial to recognize the traps, and plots set by these provocateurs, and we must avoid falling into their traps while demonstrating our adherence to Islam and our love  for the Messenger.”

On this occasion, Dr. Raziul Islam Nadvi, National Secretary of JIH, spoke about the importance of understanding the intentions behind such provocative acts: “Some people deliberately make such remarks, while others exploit them. Their goal is to create polarization of votes and society. They want to foster hatred between different communities in the country, especially between Hindus and Muslims.”

Maulana Nadvi emphasized that the majority of Indians desire peaceful coexistence among different religious communities. He cautioned against actions that might fuel communal hatred and play into the hands of those seeking to create a hostile environment.

The JIH Secretary cited Quranic verses to guide Muslims in their interactions with non-Muslims: “Allah does not forbid you from being good and just to those who have not fought you because of your religion and have not driven you out of your homes. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.”

He explained that this verse draws a clear line, ‘Muslims should maintain good relations with those who are not hostile, while being cautious with those who are antagonistic.’

Responding to Offensive Speeches and Blasphemy: Some Practical Measures

In response to the increasing incidents of blasphemy, Prof. Salim Engineer emphasized the need for more programs that focus on the life and character of the Prophet Muhammad. He urged fostering communication with non-Muslims through literature distribution and special events.  He also advocated for positive social media campaigns, articles, and discussions to highlight the Prophet’s virtues. Reflecting on the initiatives during Rabi’ al-Awwal, the month marking the Prophet’s birth, he stressed the importance of conveying the Prophet’s message to non-Muslim communities. He called on Muslims to use these provocations as an opportunity to demonstrate the solidarity of the country’s peace-loving population, which respects all faiths.

Addressing how Muslims should respond to offensive or painful speech, Dr. Raziul Islam Nadvi quoted another Quranic verse: “You will surely be tested in your wealth and in your lives, and you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah – indeed, that is of the matters [requiring] determination.”

He emphasized that patience in this context does not mean inaction or helplessness. Rather, it calls for steadfastness in faith and mission while devising plans to counter adversaries’ actions.

Suggesting practical measures to counter hate speech and promote understanding, Dr. Raziul Islam emphasized the importance of accurately presenting the Prophet’s biography and character. He proposed the production and distribution of media—such as videos, posters, and books—that highlight the Prophet’s positive attributes. Dr. Raziul encouraged promoting works by non-Muslim authors who have praised the Prophet and urged communities to present grievances to the administration and government in a peaceful yet firm manner. He also called for advocacy of laws at both national and international levels to prohibit disrespect towards sacred figures of any religion. He also highlighted the need for engaging in da’wah (inviting others to Islam) to accurately portray Islamic teachings.

Islamic Teachings and Indian Pluralistic Society

Dr. Raziul Islam Nadvi addressed all facets of the topic in the programme held at the JIH headquarters, providing a comprehensive overview that includes both theoretical and practical dimensions. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining a measured response in a pluralistic society.

He referenced a verse from the Quran, “You will surely be tested in your wealth and in your lives… But if you are patient and fear Allah, indeed, that is of the matters requiring determination” (Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 166), to underscore the importance of patience and steadfastness in the face of provocation. He urged Muslims to turn to Allah and hold their faith in any situation and even when confronted with distressing comments about Islam or the Prophet.

Dr. Raziul Islam  Nadvi provided historical context, noting that challenges to Islam and its Prophet are not new: “Islam began as something strange and will return to being strange. This means that believers will be few in number, weak, and subjected to various forms of persecution, with falsehoods being spread about Islam, the Quran, and the personality of the Messenger.”

The Muslim scholar reiterated that love for the Messenger is integral to a Muslim’s faith and that insults towards sacred figures of any religion are not condoned in Islam.

Highlighting Islamic teachings that prohibit insulting other religions, Dr. Raziul Islam said, “Islam does not permit any insult to the sacred personalities of other religions. The Quran states: ‘O you who have believed, do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge.'”

He also proposed that Muslims should voice their grievances to the authorities and advocate for laws at national and international levels to prevent disrespect towards the sacred figures of any religion. “Such measures can help mitigate future incidents,” he added.

The Islamic scholar concluded his address by calling for steadfastness in faith and continued efforts to spread the message of Islam. He expressed hope that, despite rising tensions, Islam will ultimately prevail and urged the community to remain steadfast in spreading its message. He also hoped that through patience, positive action, and adherence to Islamic principles, Muslims can effectively counter provocations and promote brotherhood and amity in society.


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