Voice growing against govt move to decriminalize homosexuality


By Mumtaz Alam, India Tomorrow,
Jaipur, 22 Dec 2013: With the Central government moving to the Supreme Court seeking a review of its Dec 11 verdict against homosexuality, the voice of the silent majority – who are against legalization of homosexuality, is growing. The Muslim Students Organisation of India (MSO) on Sunday organized a symposium on Homosexuality – A threat to Society and Humanity here in Jaipur.

Representatives of different religions and civil society spoke in unison against the government’s move to legalize homosexuality. “Homosexuality is not just against religion, it is also dangerous for society and nature,” said Er. Shujaat Ali Qadri, national general secretary of MSO.

Last week in Delhi, top leaders of different religions held a press conference at the Press Club of India. They welcomed the Supreme Court verdict holding homosexuality a criminal offence. They warned the central government against any move to supersede the apex court’s order or amend the Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalizes homosexuality.

Follow the writer on Twitter @MumtazAlam1978


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