Jamaat condemns ‘saffornisation’ of education


By IndiaTomorrow.Net,

New Delhi, 02 Aug 2014: At its monthly press conference in New Delhi on Saturday, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind demanded that no alteration be made to the traditional education and syllabus of the country particularly in the books of history.

Saffronisation of education
According to the Jamaat, the BJP led government is attempting to “saffronise” education in the garb of education reform. The Jamaat suggested that “instead of painting it (history) with a particular color, traditions and values of all religions should be respected.”

“Rather than tarnishing the image of a particular religion and presenting another with a better one, things should be presented with facts and truth,” they said in a press statement.

The Jamaat accepted that religious education was the need of the hour, but said that the “teachings of one religion should not be made compulsory for students of all religions.”

Growing Communalism
Speaking about the recent communal violence in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, the Jamaat strongly condemned the riots there and has noticed a disturbing growth in communalism within the country.

The Jamaat said that it feels that those involved in inciting such hatred and violence, and those who are “constantly indulging in disturbing the atmosphere” of society are actually working to weaken and divide the country.

The organization wanted to draw the attention of the government and its leaders to control the communally surcharged atmosphere of the country.

Genocide of Gaza
The Jamaat condemned in the strongest possible terms the shelling of Gaza by Israel, which has claimed over 1700 Palestinian lives, calling it as “nothing less than genocide.”

In its statement, the organization said that the “unjustifiable and diabolically planned attack on the entire nation of Palestine” is inhuman and tantamount to genocide.

It called upon the international community to “exercise the power at its command to put an end to the carnage and let the Gazans live in peace and dignity in their native land.” It also called upon the world powers to take Israel to the International Court for accountability and justice.

Noting the “studied silence” on part of the Indian government by refusing to interfere in the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict, the Jamaat urged the Government of India to “review its approach to this burning issue on a purely humanitarian ground, allow the debate on the issue in Parliament and condemn Israel in letter and spirit for its brazen attack on Gaza.”


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