100s of students protest against ‘negative portrayal’ of AMU


By IndiaTomorrow.net,
Aligarh, 12 Nov 2014: The aggressive media coverage of an alleged sexist statement of the vice chancellor about girl students seems to have backfired as hundreds of boys and girls students of Aligarh Muslim University came out on the street Wednesday protesting against “intense negative portrayal” of the varsity. But they also condemned the VC for his “irresponsible and careless” remarks.

“The AMU Students’ Union and Women’s College Students’ Union feel shocked and angered by intense negative portrayal of Aligarh Muslim University in certain sections of the media. The anti-women depiction of the historical campus of AMU is not only factually wrong but also an unnecessary sensationalization of a simple administrative issue into an issue of gender bias,” said the two unions of students after the massive protest by students carrying placards.

AMU Vice Chancellor Zameer Uddin Shah had reportedly said that more boys will be in Maulana Azad Library of the university if girls were allowed in. It was concluded that the VC has restricted women students from the library.

However, VC’s office and students unions have termed it as misrepresentation of the facts because the said library already has 2700 registered female members.

“The fact of the matter is that as Maulana Azad Library itself has more than 2700 registered female members including PG students, research Scholars and students of various professional courses, who benefit from it on daily basis,” they said.

Meanwhile, the university administration has also clarified the position.

“It must be put on record that there is absolutely no issue of gender in allowing or not allowing membership to Maulana Azad Library. Girl students of the University which include research scholars, postgraduate and undergraduate students (including students in undergraduate professional courses) are members of Maulana Azad Library and they avail its facilities in a routine manner,” said Dr Rahat Abrar, Public Relations Officer.

Massive protest by AMU students against media on 12 Nov 2014.

“AMU Women’s College offers education in conventional undergraduate courses and is located around 3 kilometers away from the main campus of the University. It has its own system including the library and book bank.”

Dr. Abrar further said that Maulana Azad Library was established in 1960 and AMU Women’s College in 1936 and since then the two have been functioning smoothly. “The University has not imposed or introduced any new rule regarding membership to Maulana Azad Library as the media reports seem to mischievously suggest,” he said.

Students condemn irresponsible remarks of VC

However, the students have also condemned the VC for his “irresponsible” remarks against women students.

The students were addressed by newly elected AMU Students Union President Abdullah Azzam. Talking to IndiaTomorrow.net over phone, Azzam condemned the whole episode – the statement of VC and aggressive, biased reporting by media.

“We also condemn the irresponsible and careless remarks of the Vice- Chancellor. We would like to reiterate that the Vice- Chancellor should stop making statements unbecoming of his stature and should ensure that the grievances and problems of the students of AMU particularly those of Women’s College are addressed immediately.”

Meanwhile, HRD Ministry has reportedly issued notice to the VC over his alleged statement. Commenting on the notice, the students asked why the ministry has not shown interest in upgradation of the library located at Women’s College of the university.

“It appears that HRD ministry was also swayed by the negative media campaign; However, we would like to state that if the HRD Ministry is so concerned about the students of AMU (its girls students in particular) it should immediately sanction funds for the upgradation of the Women’s College Library. Moreover, it must overrule its decision of reducing the funds allotted for the University,” the students unions said.


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