Declaring Gita a National Book will negate secular ethos of Constitution


By Ahmed Mohiuddin Siddiqui,
The BJP leader Sushma Swaraj seems to have forgotten all her duties as the Foreign Minister of India. She is busy furthering the Hindutva agenda by demanding that the holy book of Hindus Bhagavad Gita be declared as the national book of the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is making a mockery of the holy book. He presented copies of Gita to the Chinese premier and the American president instead of the Constitution of India which is a sacred book for all the Indians. The problem with the communal and narrow minded Hindutva brigade is that they do not hold the Constitution in high esteem. They undermine it because it was written by a Dalit icon Bhimrao Ambedkar. They want to downplay the contribution of the architect of the Indian Constitution. Invoking Ambedkar’s name for votes is another thing and showing actual respect for his contribution is another.

Nobody has a quarrel with Gita. But the nefarious designs are clear. The motive is first to declare it as a national book and then make it compulsory as a subject across schools and Madrasas. The intention is to force the teaching of Gita to students of Madrasas and Christian missionary schools. Just like the singing of Vande Mataram is used against the minorities and the reading of mantras in Yoga classes, the compulsory teaching of Gita will evoke strong reactions from different sections of society.

Religion should not be worn on sleeves or on khaki knickers but it should be something personal to make better human beings and a strong and united India without any bias and prejudices. Equality and justice should be the new Mantras.

It is a national shame if the Constitution of India is not given due respect by the authorities.


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