Sharmila’s move welcomed by fans

New Delhi, July 27: Hours after she disclosed her next move about her fast and future, rights activist Irom Sharmila has got support from one of the eminent groups that have been supporting her cause. Sharmila has been on fast for the past 16 years against the controversial AFSPA law that gives special powers to armed forces in troubled areas.

Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign has welcomed the decision of Irom Sharmila to break her fast in coming days.

“It is a befitting reply to Government’s ignorance of her sixteen years of fast where an extraordinary example of nonviolent appeal was made with the govt with demand to repeal AFSPA, but government not only ignored it and even tried to suppress it through lodging criminal cases against Sharmila,” said Ravi Nitesh, Convener, Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign.

Nitesh has welcomed her decision to restart her mainstream life.

“This time, there is a strong need to believe that coming in mainstream life will break the prison walls for Irom Sharmila and she would be able to live a life along with her contribution in struggle of people with all her capacity. What she is leaving behind will always be in history books of human rights and nonviolence,” he said in a statement.

On Tuesday, Irom Sharmila had announced that she would break her fast on 9th August, will marry and may also contest Assembly election in her home state Manipur.


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