Youth Survey: 48% don’t identify with any party; 35% highly religious


New Delhi, April 3: About half of India’s youth population do not identify themselves with any political party while 35% of them are highly religious, says a survey conducted by CSDS-Lokniti (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies) in partnership with KAS. The survey was done in April-May 2016 and its results were published in The Indian Express today.

Some 65% (i.e. more than 800 million) of India’s 1.25 billion people are aged 35 or under. The survey was conducted among 6,122 individuals between ages 15 and 34 in 19 Indian states.

The survey done last year found that 48% of the youths don’t identify themselves with any party. While 20% likes BJP, 10% Congress and 4% socialist parties and 2% left parties. Some 16% like other parties that may include Aam Aadmi Party also.

On religiosity, the survey found 12% youths are very highly religious and 23% high religious while 25% have moderate religiosity and 36% low religiosity. Some 4% show no religiosity.

When asked if women shouldn’t work after marriage, 20% fully agree while 21% somewhat agree.

When asked if girls should not wear jeans, 21% fully agree and 17% somewhat agree.

The youths looked highly conscious about parent’s health and family problems.

The survey found 55% of them highly anxious while 26% somewhat anxious.


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