Call for boycott of Israeli products, companies


Hyderabad, 19 July 2014: Some Muslim organisations and clerics have called for boycott of Israeli products and companies to protest the Israeli offensive against Palestinians in gaza.

Leaflets calling for boycott of Israeli products were distributed outside mosques after Friday prayers.

“You can stop the bombing of Gaza, end the Israeli terror by boycotting, divesting, educating and protesting,” said a handbill, which carried pictures of Palestinian children killed in Israeli attacks in Gaza.

The fliers carried list of dozens of products including leading brands in sectors like foods and chocolates, soft drinks, garments, health, makeup and even media houses.

“The boycott of Israeli products and companies supporting Israel is a peaceful means of putting pressure on apartheid Israel. Help end Palestinian suffering by boycotting Israel today,” adds the handout, which did not carry the name of any organisation or individual.

Special ‘duas’ (supplications) were offered for Palestinians on the occasion of Friday prayers. Imams during their sermons condemned Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians including women and children. They also called up on worshippers to pray for the Palestinian brothers.

Earlier, leading Islamic scholars appealed to the citizens of Hyderabad in general and Muslims in particular to boycott Israeli products and companies supporting Israel.

The clerics including the historic Makkah Masjid’s Imam Moulana Hafiz Mohammed Quraishi urged all peace-loving people to register their protest against Israeli terror by boycotting the products.

Palestine’s Grand Mufti Mohammed A.H. Hussein and parliamentarian Abdullah M.I. Abdullah during their visit to the city last month had called upon India to participate in the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) campaign against Israel for its continued illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

The city witnessed massive protests against Israel over last one week. Various organisations including Jamaat-e-Islami and Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) staged the protests and appealed to the government of India to play its role at the international forums to end the sufferings of Palestinians.

Social networking sites are also flooded with pictures of victims of Israeli bombing. Youngsters have posted pictures of mutilated bodies of Palestinian children killed in Israeli air strikes. The protestors in their messages on Facebook and other social networking sites expressed outrage over the Israeli aggression.



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